Updates and Downloads

SCO Update Service and Supplemental Downloads

At this site, SCO posts the latest information about various Supplements containing: fixes, corrections, patches; Maintenance Packs and Update Packages for SCO products.

SCO UnixWare and OpenServer Customers

To help guide you with your selection, SCO offers the following details on the information posted within this site.

SCO Update Packages are a collection of product features and enhancements available to our customers with SCO Update Services. These packages offer early delivery of features and enhancements that will be included in the next Operating System Release. SCO Update packages enable deployment when ready which reduces the need for disruptive major upgrades.

Maintenance Packs or Release Supplements are a collection of supplements, patches and security fixes that SCO recommends be installed by all customers running a specific SCO product release. To reduce the overhead of patch management, SCO offers Maintenance Packs as a way to simplify patch installation and increase release stability and supportability.

Individual Patches are a single patch that contains one or more fixes for a specific area. These are produced in response to a reported problem. Depending on the severity, of a patch, we may add a status listing of "critical or recommended". This information is offered to help guide you with recommended installations to maintain our product's stability and supportabilty.

Security Supplements are provided to customers to rapidly distribute information about reported security vulnerabilities and to provide the needed fix.

Individual Drivers are a single driver that is new to the product or contains fixes to a specific current driver that is now available.